
Monday, October 25, 2021

My holiday :)

  Hello people

I'm going to tell you about the things In the two-week holiday. In the first week I went down to Queenstown for three days to go see my family. We went on the Luge and that was one of the best things I did during the holiday. I almost fell off the side.

 After we were back from Queenstown my mum had to work a couple of days. I went to my auntys. At my auntys we went on some walks. One of the walks was Bottle Lake. That was like a 4 hour walk. I didn't really do much after that but helped my mum with work. I did a lot of baking during the holidays. I made all sorts of things like Cakes , Muffins , Cookies and many more . ( sorry i don have any photos of the baking _

The second week was a really chill I didn't feel really well for the first two days ( I didn't have covid ) so for those two days I watched some Horror movies but after those days I  got back up and started doing some physical things and had to start doing boxing again, but that was most of my holiday. I was really an emotional roller coaster.

I  hope you liked reading about my holidays :)

Friday, October 22, 2021

cat curiosity quest

 hello people 

this period (wga) me and Erin have been working on our curiosity quest about cats so we have this slideshow that has facts about cats and if you dont know a lot about cats you might want to check out this blog post.  

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Lisa Carrington

kia Ora

Last week we worked on a doc about Lisa Carrinton  but we had a different  teacher since mrs Alpers was away but we worked on the doc it had a long peice of writing about Lisa Carrington then we had fifiteen  questions about Lisa Carrington i got them most right but i got some wrong. but i did good 
Lisa Carrinton is an olympian  for new zealand  , this year at the Tyoko  olympics  Lisa Carrinton won 5 gold medal and 1 bronze medal 

some photos of Lisa Carrington

Lisa Carrington dominates Olympic Games like no other New Zealander | claims fourth Olympic gold | Otago Daily Times Online NewsCanoe sprint history set to be made at Tokyo Olympics | ICF - Planet Canoe

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Olympic Fiji Rugby

Olympic Gold was won by the  Fiji Rugby Sevens team on 27th July last evening (NZ time).

The game was against Fiji and NZ who ended up winning Silver Medals.

Fiji’s captain is Jerry Tuawai He said this win was very special because they had to go into Lockdown after Easter. They have not seen their Children since.  They spent most of that time shut up in a hostel in Suva, training in a gym they built in a garage 

When they were on their way to Japan the Fijian team got stuck on a cargo flight along with some crates full of fish.

These experiences helped them form a very tight group of people which makes for a great celebration

Here are some images of the winners.

Fiji's sevens triumph is symbolic of their 'work together, love one  another' spirit | Tokyo Olympic Games 2020 | The Guardian


Saturday, July 24, 2021

Winter learning journey activity 19

 hello readers

Kia ora im back with activity 19 this is my 8th activity i have completed and  its almost the   end of school holidays here where i am its Saturday and i think tomorrow is the last day of the winter learning journey but back to activity 19 , activity 19 is about  choosing a town or a city that you would like to go to for 2 weeks  and create a holiday plan for when you there i picked Brazil because some of  my family are over there and they would have many things to do there but enough talking about that. 


                                                              B R A Z I L 

The reason i would go to Brazil is because my Dad and that side is over in Brazil and Brazil also has many activities to do and they have good food but mostly to go see family 

One of the activities that i would like to do would be to go to 

the Christ the redeemer i do like going for walks and hikes so that would be something to do with family or yourself  but i would want to do a lot more stuff so i'm going to tell you some of the things i would also like to do , like i would want to go to Iguazu falls , i would also like to go to tomorrow museum the reason i would like to go is because there name is interesting but i don’t actually know what they but if i ever did go i would like to tell you about it but the really only thing i would want to do is see my family  

But here are some photos : 

Museum of Tomorrow Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - e-architect

                                    Christ the Redeemer (statue) - WikipediaIguazú Falls travel | Argentina, South America - Lonely Planet

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Winter learning journey activity 9

Hello readers

hello im sorry that i haven't been posting i have have been busy  but im back with activity nine , activity nine is about look at a traditional dress and make a sport uniform from it i decided to use the new Zealand flag for inspiration and i had fun making this. on  the back of it i used the four stars with the short word for new Zealand which is NZ  and on the front of it i put the full word New Zealand and the flag under it. and its shorts and T-shirt 


Thursday, July 15, 2021

winter learning journey activity 6

 Hello readers

how are you ? 

im back with activity six, this will be my sixth activity but today im going try get a lot of the tasks done and everybody else who is doing the winter learning journey  your doing amazing keep it going okay back to what activity six is activity six is you have a budget of $1000  to plan a exciting week and we had to use book creator  i picked to free activity's and 1 costing activity.


Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Winter learning journey activity 14

 Hello readers 

i am back with activity fourteen , this winter learning journey said that you needed to finish 3 activity's from there activity broad but i kinda have done more then that so im trying to get most of the activity's done  and so far i have done four tasks and there is twenty  but this is my fifth task  but this task is about commenting on 3 other students post i picked to comment on Ayla , Marcus and Nici's blog  they are all doing the winter learning journey. and i reply to comments i get on my blog to so feel free to comment on one of my post 

                                                     My comments :

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

winter learning journey activity 17

 hello readers 

im back and i came back with activity 17, this is my fourth activity for the winter learning journey.Activity 17 you had to make a who am i ?  . The who am i is a famous person based off your  country of study. and i picked new Zealand my home country, I have looked up to this person a lot last year but this person i did for who am i have really nice style. 


the answer is :


Winter learning journey activity 18

 hello readers

im here with activity 18 activity was to reproduce  a flag of your choice and i did  my own flag new Zealand in the corner there is the true/real new Zealand flag my flag is the on under neither it  i just used the actual colours and the designs and just moved them around i really like the flag i did , the only hing is but the two coloured stars but im show you now so :))

like this were is has two colours and mine just has one 

                                      MY FLAG:


Sunday, July 11, 2021

winter learning journey activity 8

 hello readers 

this is my second task i have finished im at least going to try get 2 or 3 blogs or activity's done  or as many as i can , for this task i did activity 8 this task is to research a popular place that attracts tourist and i  choose the Christchurch art gallery  and before i get off hand you had to make a poster to advertise the place.


my poster : 

winter learning journey activity 10

 hello readers 

so i have joined the winter learning journey and i got first place for the summer learning journey , i wanted to try out the winter learning journey so today i have completed one of the activities so i did activity 10. I couldn't really make a video so i made a slide and a small edit of the top 3 land marks in Brazil , i love Brazil they have many paces you can visit. but i hope you like it. the top 3 land marks are Christ the Redeemer , sugar loaf mountain and Escadaria selaron  

the slides :

                                                          the video: 

Friday, July 9, 2021

lighting hands fire

 hello readers 

this week is our last week of school for term 2, my class has been waiting to do lighting hands on but he was always  busy with camp and other classes  but we still got to do it  , me , Erin and Yared didn't do it  but it was really cool to see. we had to follow important instructions   just so we didn't lose half of our face or haor and eyebrows. 

the order of instructions :

(girls tie there hair up) 

get you safety glasses

cover your arms with water (not to much )

then grab the bubbles ( dont go right down to the bottom ) get just the bubbles

then go to the green zone  

and put your arms up 

and to get the fire away  you have to do iron man hands as i would call it 


some videos :


Thursday, July 8, 2021

STREAM : pt 2

kia ora readers

this term in wga time we have been doing steam, for steam we were focusing on what it is like in 2050 and what would the environment be like it could be really hot or really cold but we don't exactly     we have been doing fashion. we made a shirt for heating and cooling.

this is the paragraph that we presented with the top 

Heating and Cooling Outfit

The goal was to reduce the energy being used in heating and cooling, the idea was that everyone would have an outfit that could cool or heat someone instead of having a big aircon. The energy being used for the aircon uses heaps of energy to cool or heat the room, but if you have this outfit on, you will heat or cool yourself and not use as much energy because you don’t have to heat the whole house and just yourself. Another bonus is you can have any temperature and the people around you won’t complain.  



 hello readers

this term we have been doing art, in art we have been working on our own logos. we made lino prints with out name what we like. On mine i put dream smp stuff because there my favourite streamers and i did the bi flag. The ink printed really well , the ink is very smooth when you roll it on , some of the lines were clear but there was a lot of chatter on  one of my  designs. my designs is about my favourite streamers and sexuality , the designs on my print is my name, the man-berg flag , the bi flag ( you can't  really tell because only did one colour ) and dream. the meanings behind the the man berg flag and dream . dream is  from the dream smp and the man berg flag is a team in the dream smp. I will show you a photo of my logo

                                                                        MY LOGO :

Wednesday, June 30, 2021


hello readers 
this term we have been doing coding with Mr C . coding this term has been pretty fun we got to use coding websites like hour of code and scratch , on these  websites you could code and even make games . One of my favourite was a dancing game on hour of code it was fun  the music made it really fun because they had different types of games that you could , coding minecraft was one and many more there is also another website called scratch you can make games  on scratch that people can play. i think you should try its really entertaining. i play it with Ayla and Erin usually but you can play it alone  it also helps you learn some thing.
 the links :

Me , Erin and jonte also so did some art work today 

here is a photo: 


 hello readers

this term we have started steam like fashion , environment  and many more. i choose fashion  and im in a group with Nici , Nevaeh , Sophie and  Leo/Noah and  im going to explain to you about our plans that we are doing for fashion. Leo 

our inquiry question : 

how can we help with heating and cooling with out using heaps of energy ?

our idea is to make cooling and heating 

our idea photo


Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Using Microscope

Using Microscope

Last week  in science we were using a microscope  using onion skin but it was very thin and dye so we could see it through the microscope.  it look like veins ,the  onion also looked like a dog upside down  i was working with Erin , Ayla and jonte.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Logo research

hello readers  
this blog post is about of my logo research  most of my logo research is about the dream smp. thats my favourite streamer group  my favourite is George not found. but im sorry i don know what type of logos they are. there are many types of logos too



Wednesday, May 19, 2021

tongue, taste , smell

 hello readers last term and the first couple of weeks we have been learning about tongue, taste  and smell like seeing if colours help you know the taste and knowing different parts of the tongue, bitter, salty, sour and sweet.

aim- i wanted to know if i could identifies food without smell or see


Tuesday, May 18, 2021

beginning with basics - binary numbers

 binary , algorithm. Binary is something that has two components (Bi) algorithm- step by step process 

Binary digits O1
















Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Neuralink chip

Hello readers :) 

the week in wananga we have been learning about the neuralink chip   Professor Juan Lerma reviews Neuralink - IBRO

Neuralink is a new and unknown technology that could change the world.  

one example in the monkey pong video ,a neuralink chip was implanted in the monkey's

\brain and the monkey was able to play pong on a  computer and move  the bits on the


Neuralink is an chip made by Elon musk  and the chip being  put in the brain  you would

be able to communicate with technology and , machines and would be able to think of what

you want to say and it would probably pop up on your screen , you could also  play a game

on the computer or phone without using your hands just your brain. 

in my opinion  neuralink is a creepy thing that would be implanted into your brain because

we don’t really know if it's safe , it could help people in a way but it won't always be good,

Elon musk said “ if you can't beat them (AI), join them”  i would personally not get the

implant in my brain because i don't think i would like it