
Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Neuralink chip

Hello readers :) 

the week in wananga we have been learning about the neuralink chip   Professor Juan Lerma reviews Neuralink - IBRO

Neuralink is a new and unknown technology that could change the world.  

one example in the monkey pong video ,a neuralink chip was implanted in the monkey's

\brain and the monkey was able to play pong on a  computer and move  the bits on the


Neuralink is an chip made by Elon musk  and the chip being  put in the brain  you would

be able to communicate with technology and , machines and would be able to think of what

you want to say and it would probably pop up on your screen , you could also  play a game

on the computer or phone without using your hands just your brain. 

in my opinion  neuralink is a creepy thing that would be implanted into your brain because

we don’t really know if it's safe , it could help people in a way but it won't always be good,

Elon musk said “ if you can't beat them (AI), join them”  i would personally not get the

implant in my brain because i don't think i would like it  

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