
Friday, March 26, 2021

Flying car

 Flying car 

               Flying car 

One day John was heading to work but he could not even get out of his drive because  there

was too much traffic in the road because he had a massive  meeting  that his life depended

on  and he had to be here on time. He left early so he could get some food on the way. He had 

to be there at 8:30 in the morning or he would be fired . he was going to stop at MacDonald, but he had two children and he had the job of dropping

then  off to school because his wife Polly was sick in  the hospital with stage stage 4 cancer

so this journey was hard for him to do  but he tried. he was able to drop his children off

then on his way to MacDonald he got stuck in

traffic and  its took him 30 minutes to get MacDonald  after all that he had was 30 minutes to get to his meeting so he was too late two hours later he showed up at  his  work and his boss went straight up to him . he yelled ,YOU’RE HATE! YOU’RE FRIED!He kicked him out . john  cried on this way top see his wife. however , he came up with an idea that he could make a  flying car to get to places faster and skip over traffic.

 Suddenly he ended up in a 3 way crash on his way home; the reason why was

he was too

busy crying because he lost his job  and an opportunity  that could have changed his life ,

but now  he lost everything. Everything has disappeared ,

he thought . “It was all gone”. The next  morning  John  woke  up in hospital. He was so

confused. Why was he in the hospital?

He had forgotten what had happened yesterday ?  However he was too focused  on

his wife still later that day once he was let go from the hospital he started

building  his invention ,”The flying  car. He failed many times he was on the

edge of giving up  but he kept trying  and

trying till he made it.its  took him a number of weeks to 

finish his flying car but once he made his first prototype, he flew it to get to the hospital and

visit his wife.

Then he heard  that she could not get any better  and that she only had two weeks

to live.

He  was very sad because she was  the only one could make him happy .

he would not go to sleep until he was finished he had one nights sleep and woke up

and in the car he looked down and you would not believe

how much traffic he was glad he made  the  invention !

He made it to the hospital but the nurse stopped him and said

“ she only has one  day to live”he ran to her room and started crying.

HE felt like he could die of crying.

She said,”Don’t worry i will always be with you and the kids.I will be waiting for you.”

They soon fell  asleep.a couple of hours later he woke up to a beeb!

He soon realised that his wife has passed and he started to cry but

he was happy for her

she wasn't in pain anymore and she was free and less painful but he was

grateful for having her in his life


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