
Tuesday, April 13, 2021



 hello readers last week Mrs wheeler  told us that we would be learning about  indicators we were going to use cranberry juice,tea and turmeric as indicators. 


what is an acid? 

Acid is a chemical substance  and there is different type of acid, acid can do many things they can be made in food,drinks,they can kill weeds and if you mix acid with a  mixer it could burn things 

Some uses of acids 






Acid can burn things 

what is Al quali

Al quali is mostly in cleaning products, slippery products and even some is in milk 

 Al quali will turn  it blue 

Acid will turn it red

Acid red

Al quali blue

Acid or Alakis 

Orange juice- acid

Hand wash - alkali 

Lime juice- acid 

Water- neutral 

this is the change using universal indicators

blue is alkali green is neutral red is acid

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