
Wednesday, March 24, 2021

jelly babies osmosis

  jelly babies osmosis 

last week we did jelly babies osmosis I did it in a pair of 3 Erin, me and Ayla  , we put them in three solutions  sugar water ,salt water , normal water. we took 2 colours yellow and pink  and we took 4 of those colour and put them in 3 petri dishes   and left them for 25 hours and about 30 minutes , we had 2 in sugar  water ,2 in  salt water and 2 in warm water .

Hypothesis : What will happen to the jelly babies in each solution?

Ayla : I think they will all expand but the water one will have the least growth and

the salt will have the most.

Erin : I think they will grow bigger because the sugar/water/salt will get into the jelly babies will soak

into the jelly. I also think that the sugar and salt will grow the biggest because of the substance that

goes into it. 

Maddison : I think they will grow but salt will be the smallest and sugar would be the

biggest and they would dissolve in the bath if salt,sugar,water ,i feel like the the jelly babies that go in

salt water will dissolve 

The results were :

The salt one was falling apart when we moved it.

The sugar one felt the hardest and most put together but still a bit moshed.

The water one fell apart but not as much as the salt one.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Maddison
    You have described the experiment well. I like that you have included the hypothesis from all of your group. Did your experiment results prove them right or wrong. Can you think of how you could get more accurate results?
    I like your photos, the jelly babies did fall apart!
    Well done.


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