
Wednesday, March 3, 2021



   Lab safety

Rules in the lab:

No eating or drinking 

No running in the lab

Have your hair tied 

Tell the teacher when you have spilt something

Ask the teacher before you through something the bin (aka glass )

Wear safety goggles

Covered shoes

Bags under the desk 

Don't leave your experiment alone 

Don't go in the lab without a teacher

                                How to light a bunsen burner:

1.get all you equipment (safety goggles, bunsen burning)

2.connect your tube to your gas hose

3. make sure your air hole is closed

4.connect the tube to the gas tap

5.light your match and turn you gas  on 




1 comment:

  1. Well done Maddison this is a very good list of safety rules for the lab.
    Are you feeling confident to light a Bunsen burner?
    I hope you enjoy the Science we will do this term.


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