
Wednesday, March 11, 2020

aspire reach for my goal term 1


                                               aspire reach for your goal term one
kia ora this is my aspire goal that im am trying to achieve this term i am probably going to change my goal each term to achieve as much as i can this year my class has done this to have a look on our class blog  you will see more of my heart values i will achieve this goal by reading more books.


  1. Hi Madds, It's me Mr Williams. I hope you have been doing well. I really like this goal and think you can achieve this. I remember you being in my reading group last year. I liked having you in my group because you worked hard and you thought carefully about your answers. You can continue to work on this goal by looking at our Ruru site or our new Wirgram Primary School site. It has heaps of fun reading activities you can do.
    What is your favourite book to read?

    1. hi Mr Williams its madds,thank you for the nice comment. i have worked really hard on this goal and I have achieved my goal. I remember being in your group last year I had a lot of fun last year with you in reading.i am slowly working my way through the site and i saw what you did on ruru blog and i am excited to post my skill on my blog.i am really trying to improve my school level since its my last year at primary im going to Hornby high school,and hope do good in my last year of school. my favorite book is star of deltora its a f chapter book that comes with other fake chapter book that comes with other parts of it the one I'm reading right now is the towers of Illics,I actually got this book from duffy.I am hoping to get more books.

      from madds :)


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1. Something positive - Begin with a greeting. Talk about something you like about what I have shared.
2. Thoughtful - A comment that will mean something to me to let me know you read/watched or listened to what I had to say. - use any language.
3. Something helpful - Give me some ideas for next time or ask me a question.
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